she loves her teething feeder...she like peaches the best!
John was sure to jump in and get a peice of the action during her first feeding!!
So much has happened...Campbell is eating solid food and crawling, well almost! Her first taste of real food was pears, followed by rice cereal. I have to say, she takes after her mom. She has yet to meet a vegetable she doesn't like. We had a feeling that she was going to be a good eater and the first time that spoon hit her lips she didn't skip a beat. After each spoonfull she slapped her hands on the high chair and kept saying, "hummm, hummm"! We assumed this meant, "Yummm." Man, she is so advanced! :) She has just graduated from 1 meal a day to 2 and she loves every minute of it. Her two little bottom teeth help her to eat up everything!! She has both of her bottom two middle ones...teething hasn't been a fun process and I know we have a while more to go, yikes!
She hasn't quite mastered crawling, but she is closer than ever. About 2 weeks ago she began scooting backwards on her tummy and now she can get up on all fours and rock back and forth. She scoots around like this all day, which has me freaking out a little. I don't think I am ready to have such a mobile little one. I am still not used to putting her down and turning around to see her on the complete opposite side of the living room floor. I don't know what we are going to do when we have a bigger house...we have our house for sale right now but knowing how the market is, I am not sure if I will have to worry about that for a while!!
We are sad to see the summer end after a couple fun beach trips and poolside hanging, but we can't wait for the favorite season!! We can't wait to introduce her to the mountains of the upstate and start camping and hiking fun!!
trying out a new hairdo...whatcha think??
oh man alive, linds, we're dying! these pictures are adorable. we think that last one of her in the headband looks a little bit like patty! can't wait to see her tomorrow!