Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dress up Month

The month of October was dress up month for Campbell. It seemed like everyday there was a reason to dress up in some special outfit. This month we moved into a rental house because we are in between selling and buying a house. It stinks that we are spending the holidays in a house that is not really ours, but I am determined to make it a fun holiday season for Campbell regardless of where we are!!!
Go Tigers!!! Her first game was not really her first GAME...since it was a night game, she was already asleep in the bed before the game started. We had fun tailgating with Nate and Margaret, though. She'll get to actually see the game next weekend....she is already the biggest fan!

We decided to grill out one last time before it gets too cold, but decided Campbell needed to try out her new hat and gloves before winter. She is ready for any weather, especially snow...bring it on!!!
Happy Halloween...I think she was the cutest kitty ballerina ever!!

I think Bailey wants a snowsuit too!! Don't worry, at least she got to dress up for Halloween!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Falling Leaves and Football Games!

Our first hiking trip of the Season to Ceasar's Head National Park. It was the most unbelievable weather. Campbell loves hanging out in her backpack and pulling on John's hair and ears as we walk. This season always reminds me why I love living in the upstate of South Carolina. The mountains of the upstate and western North Carolina are just beautiful!!! This backpack is a great way to tote her around, even when we are not in the woods.

Go Tigers!! Just because we haven't had to the chance to go to a game yet this season doesn't stop Campbell from wearing the colors proudly!! We really hope to go to a game soon, but she is our little mascot at home and makes all the games a lot more fun.

Fun with the Grandparents. As always, when John goes out of town on business we go visit the family in Aiken. Needless to say, she is VERY loved!! There is never a dull moment when we put her down and let her roam around Gramma and Grampa's house. She is a great crawler and has learned how to pull herself up on her feet and stand...I can't believe she is big enough to do this!! It is kinda scary since I know that walking is just around the corner. What am I going to do when she can walk?!?!?! She loves to go to Gigi's house too where she gets to see her Aunt Pam and Great Grandmother and we all gather round to listen to her play Gigi's keyboard. She loves to jam to the synthesized sounds...she is very musically advanced :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009


can't resist a naked photo!!
she loves her teething feeder...she like peaches the best!

John was sure to jump in and get a peice of the action during her first feeding!!
So much has happened...Campbell is eating solid food and crawling, well almost! Her first taste of real food was pears, followed by rice cereal. I have to say, she takes after her mom. She has yet to meet a vegetable she doesn't like. We had a feeling that she was going to be a good eater and the first time that spoon hit her lips she didn't skip a beat. After each spoonfull she slapped her hands on the high chair and kept saying, "hummm, hummm"! We assumed this meant, "Yummm." Man, she is so advanced! :) She has just graduated from 1 meal a day to 2 and she loves every minute of it. Her two little bottom teeth help her to eat up everything!! She has both of her bottom two middle ones...teething hasn't been a fun process and I know we have a while more to go, yikes!

She hasn't quite mastered crawling, but she is closer than ever. About 2 weeks ago she began scooting backwards on her tummy and now she can get up on all fours and rock back and forth. She scoots around like this all day, which has me freaking out a little. I don't think I am ready to have such a mobile little one. I am still not used to putting her down and turning around to see her on the complete opposite side of the living room floor. I don't know what we are going to do when we have a bigger house...we have our house for sale right now but knowing how the market is, I am not sure if I will have to worry about that for a while!!

We are sad to see the summer end after a couple fun beach trips and poolside hanging, but we can't wait for the favorite season!! We can't wait to introduce her to the mountains of the upstate and start camping and hiking fun!!
trying out a new hairdo...whatcha think??

Monday, July 27, 2009

quick post

It's late so I am going to just do a quick post, mostly for Cam and Kym's benefit. We wanted them to be able to see some pictures of Campbell since they rarely get to a computer. We have tons of new pictures since we just got back from a family beach trip. I am going to post a few good ones now and I promise to upload a bunch more real soon. Here is a couple below, but check the Picasa link for more.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Campbell can JUMP

Campbell's new favorite thing is her jumperoo. The first time we put her in it, she knew just what to do. We recently got her an excersaucer but haven't put it together yet. I am sure she'll love that too. She has such strong legs...we think she is gonna run before she crawls!

We have been spending a lot of time at Grandma and Grandpa's house since John travels a lot for work. She and I have been taking trips to Aiken about every other week to the delight of Patty and G and G Tuckfield. I think every day is a mini fashion show around here thanks to her amazing wardrobe. I am afraid she is growing so fast that she won't even be able to wear everything. She gets cuter and cuter by the day...and chubbier!! She has a definate double chin and her arms and legs are beginning to resemble the Michelin Man. What can we say...she is a good eater!!

Pretty much every day she is learning and doing something new. She can almost sit up by herself, she grabs everything and sticks it in her mouth, and she can roll over. I give her tummy time a lot, but she just seems to want to roll back over onto her back. I think her head is just too heavy for her to stay on her tummy...her chunkiness is getting in the way :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Okay, so we said that we were going to try to post some new pics like 2 weeks ago, but you all know how that goes!! We felt like Mother's Day was an appropriate time to finally make ourseves do this. So, this time we have a ton of new photos on our Picasa site. We have had a lot of fun these last couple weeks. We have been spending a lot of time with family, especially since my sister Shelley had her new baby Tate. He is soooo cute and little and looks just like Tucker did. I can't believe she is a mom of 4. That has a whole new meaning to me now that I am a Mom!! it was fun to see Campbell and Tate meet. Campbell is only 3 months older than he is, but she is soooo much bigger.

Campbell is doing great these days. She is pretty much over her tummy problems as long as I stay away from dairy and soy, which is pretty hard for someone who LOVES icecream! As you can see by these photos, she has become sooo chunky! She has the fattest cheeks and a cute little double chin. She is a little butterball, or should I say "Campbellope." Her tummy is the size of a Canteloupe so Dad came up with that one- we love it! Every day is a fashion show since she has soooo many cute little outfits to wear now that is has become warm out. She pretty much just gets cuter and cuter as the days pass! Oh yeah, and I threw some key naked shots in the gotta have some of those, right!?!?!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Time

We wanted to try to make sure we uploaded some photos for everyone to see, but escpecially for Cam and Kym since they only have internet through tomorrow!! We just had to wait until Easter Sunday so everyone could check out Campbell and her Easter dress. She was the prettiest little girl in the nursery today at church. We went to the park afterward and just could not stop taking pictures (Actually, I couldn't stop... John asked me to stop a couple times!!!) But she was just so cute in her little dress. We attempted to put a hat on her to keep the sun off her face, but as you will see, she really doesn't like wearing hats. We took Bailey with us and got as many comments about how cute she is as we did Campbell. Bailey always does a great job sniffing out the people as they come by. She is our little watch dog and loves to give Campbell lots of kisses. The weather was pretty darn close to perfect. The only thing that brought us indoors was watching the Masters on John's new t.v. What a beautiful Easter sunday!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Crazy Month

The past 5 weeks have been the craziest, most exciting, and exhausting of our lives. Campbell is a sweet little girl with some stomach problems. We know she wants to be a happy baby but her digestion prevents this most of the time. Of course, this has made for some reeeeallly long nights for us all!!! We look so forward to the day that we can get her diet figured out and help her to enjoy being awake! The only thing that she seems to respond to well is the age old trick of driving her around in the car. We took her on her first outing yesterday to the park and we even attempted dinner out. It went relatively well. The weather was unbelievable....about 75 degrees....and she really seemed to enjoy being outside. It was nice for us to be out and about as well especially since I have barely been outside the house, let alone off the couch, in the past 5 weeks either. It was nice to have an exscuse to wear some clothes other than pj's, brush my hair, and put on a little makeup (those of you who are mom's know what I am talking about)!!!

Here are some pictures of us at the park...enjoy!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

She's HERE!!!

Miss Campbell Jean Lawhead arrived January 29th at12:27PM. She was 7 pounds 15 ounces and 20.25" long. The labor and delivery experience was one for the books and we'll be happy if we never have to see another nurse again. They tend to pop in your room whenever they want, though at the same time they (and their practical knowledge/experience) were a godsend.

We are back home now and having a blast just trying to figure everything out. Both Campbell and Lindsay are healthy and happy. Campbell makes some of the weirdest, most hilarious, entertaining, and cute expressions and noises we have ever seen. Our days are long and our nights longer, specifically Lindsay. Luckily we have had lots of family here to help. Linds's mom is here all week and my parents are coming back this weekend. It's amazing how quickly the day goes by. Thus, please forgive us if we don't answer our phones or call back timely enough, things are crazy.

We'll continue sending out pics of the little angel. We use snapfish though it doesn't integrate with blogspot so we're thinking of getting another account that does integrate (like Picasaweb). Stay Tuned!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Baby Watch '09

Well, I fear that I'm going to get fired due to the ungodly amount of person phone calls I am receiving daily from all of you asking if the baby has come! She hasn't. Apparently she's pretty comfortable in Linds's belly but we're doing everything in our power to convince her to join us in the real world. My dad joked that maybe she overheard us talking about all the grandparents that would be visiting and that had scared her into remaining where she was (that excluded him of course). Anyhoo, Linds is DEFINITELY ready to have this baby so please pray that she comes soon and of course is healthy and all that good stuff. We promise to post any and all news and photos as things occur.