Campbell's new favorite thing is her jumperoo. The first time we put her in it, she knew just what to do. We recently got her an excersaucer but haven't put it together yet. I am sure she'll love that too. She has such strong legs...we think she is gonna run before she crawls!
We have been spending a lot of time at Grandma and Grandpa's house since John travels a lot for work. She and I have been taking trips to Aiken about every other week to the delight of Patty and G and G Tuckfield. I think every day is a mini fashion show around here thanks to her amazing wardrobe. I am afraid she is growing so fast that she won't even be able to wear everything. She gets cuter and cuter by the day...and chubbier!! She has a definate double chin and her arms and legs are beginning to resemble the Michelin Man. What can we say...she is a good eater!!
Pretty much every day she is learning and doing something new. She can almost sit up by herself, she grabs everything and sticks it in her mouth, and she can roll over. I give her tummy time a lot, but she just seems to want to roll back over onto her back. I think her head is just too heavy for her to stay on her tummy...her chunkiness is getting in the way :)